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Published: November 04, 2015

A Request for Proposal (RFP) was conducted for a new landscaping firm, responses have been received and will be the first priority for SBB our new Management Company to review and rank those that responded as well as schedule interviews with the board and make recommendations. We hope to have the final decision made by January 1, 2016.

Terracare (current landscaping contract) has replaced all dead plants at the entrance and provided bids for upgrades to the Stewart entrance, bridge and grass on the hill at the ElDorado entrance, however, each vendor who submitted an RFP was also requested to bid these items. Since there is a warranty attached to the plants, the new landscapers should be awarded this work to protect the investment made by the HOA. Additionally, we are having trouble locating a power washer that can remove the mineral staining along the entrance walls which is much more prominent now that the new plants have been installed and are smaller than they hedges removed.

McKinney Greens Homeowners Association

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